October 18, 2024

I live my dream life and that’s what I want for all my students. But if you want to make it in this market, you can’t hold and hope and go down with the ship. Luckily for you, there’s one simple rule you can follow to help you avoid unnecessary losses. My top students and I all follow it…

Watch the video below to learn:

The lies and BS that promoters spread and how you get screwed in the process
Why I appreciate haters and weed out lazy students…
How you can outsmart 90% of the traders who lose.
The list of pumps I’ve seen in the recent market and the conspiracies around them…

Don’t miss all that and more in the video below!

Learn the process and rules you need to trade market volatility in my Trading Challenge. It’s where all my 20+ millionaire students have come from. Students get access to my top educational resources so apply to join today!

Will you cut losses quickly or will you go down with the ship? Let me know in a comment below — I love hearing from you!

The post Why This #1 Strategy Can Protect Your Account In A Bear Market {VIDEO} appeared first on Timothy Sykes.