February 5, 2025

I had an incredible experience meeting Jamie Foxx. But I don’t get excited about meeting celebrities anymore — I get more excited about meeting people who are real…

And not only is Jamie Foxx real, but he’s also ridiculously talented. Watch the video below to learn what we have in common, plus…

Why success is easier with a team and community behind you…
How meetups and parties can pump up your appreciation…
Why experiences are better than things.
And find out how Jamie Foxx helps others succeed…

Watch the video now to learn all that and more from Jamie Foxx. Plus, learn more about the Pump Foundation charity Jamie and I both donated to. It’s all in the video below!

Why am I so proud of the students in my Trading Challenge?

It’s not just about success. It’s also because so many give back to the community. Join today if you’re committed to being a better trader AND human. Plus, learn from top millionaires and gain access to the resources, patterns, and rules that help us trade through anything!

*Apply for the Trading Challenge NOW!*

What life lessons do you want to share with others? Drop me a comment below and let me know!

The post Life Lessons From Meeting Jamie Foxx {VIDEO} appeared first on Timothy Sykes.