March 10, 2025

One of the greatest feelings I get is seeing my students succeed. Since becoming a self-made millionaire at the age of 21, it’s been my mission to help others beat the stock market, make more money than they ever thought possible, and live life under their rules. 

27 of my students have gone on to become millionaires themselves. And there are several more on the way. 

Who knows, maybe I’ll be calling your name out, and dedicating a school in your honor, as I did for Tim Lento, who is up more than $1 million in 2022, in one of “the worst” markets we’ve seen in decades. 

Here’s my Tweet about it …  

But if you’re struggling now, worried that inflation and a weak economy are going to eat away at your savings (if you have any, most Americans DON’T!)…

Or fear you’ll be stuck on the 9-to-5 hamster wheel forever … then listen up.

Because what I’m about to share with you could very well unf*ck you. 

First order of business…

Stop Listening To The Haters

Believe it or not … not all of your family or friends want to see you crush it. I know that sounds messed up, but it’s true. You see, some of them will discourage you, and tell you that becoming a successful trader is reserved for people who have a lot of money to start with, went to school for business, or have connections. 

The truth is, you can start off with as little as a few hundred bucks. From my experience, how much you start with doesn’t equal how successful you’ll be. Don’t let the lack of money be the lame reason why you’re not in this market developing your skills. 

Next up…

Stop Listening To The Talking Heads

Scroll through your news feed, and it’s doom and gloom everywhere. Geopolitical tensions, economic slowdown, food, and energy inflation running rampant. I know it’s not pretty for a lot of Americans.  

Believe it or not … you can personally thrive even during an economic downturn. 

For example, just last week, three of my top students crushed it, making six figures, on a stock play that the mainstream media had no idea about.

Here’s my Tweet showcasing my students … 

You have to stop blaming the economy and the politicians for your shortcomings. You are in control and in charge of your own destiny. 


Take Action

The truth is, you’re probably going to suck in the beginning. It may take weeks, months, or even years to get an “aha” moment. But believe me, living life according to your own rules is every bit worth it. 

This is what I’m talking about … 

That’s why taking action is so critical. I can’t tell you how many times people will tell me that they’re going to join my challenge, or start watching my free YouTube training videos, once BLAH BLAH BLAH happens. 

Guess what?

There’s no such thing as perfect timing or the right moment. 

You need to pick up the ball and run with it. 

Click here to get started

For some getting started isn’t the hard part. It’s sticking through the process. And believe me, that part isn’t easy. Especially when you don’t have results. 

You have to put your faith in the process, and that’s why so many people give up RIGHT before they have their breakthrough moment. 

The easiest way to avoid the start-and-stop cycle is to join a committed group of traders who have the same goal in mind … FINANCIAL FREEDOM.  

You see, before we can even start to discuss training mechanics, patterns, and strategies, you need to have the right mindset in place. 

I’ve never been more bullish on your future. But only you can change your situation. 

Hit up my team, if you want my help.  

— Tim

*Results not typical. Timothy Sykes teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money. Most traders lose money. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable. You understand and agree you will consider the important risk factors in deciding to purchase any of our products or services. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results.

The post 3 Ways To Unf*ck Your Trading appeared first on Timothy Sykes.