On February 13, 2024, Bob participated (with Jim Rickards, Brent Johnson, and Michael Every) in a ZeroHedge debate on the fate of the USD. In this episode of the Human Action podcast, Bob highlights some of the key issues and explains why he thinks his side won.
The ZeroHedge Debate: Mises.org/HAP435a
Brent Johnson’s Milkshake Theory: Mises.org/HAP435b
Egert’s Article on the Public Debt Threshold: Mises.org/HAP435c
Bob’s Article on the Latest CBO Federal Debt Report: Mises.org/HAP435d
Human Action Podcast listeners can get a free copy of Dr. Guido Hülsmann’s How Inflation Destroys Civilization: Mises.org/HAPodFree