October 18, 2024

Pretty much all entrepreneurs these days are dependent on the cloud. It’s a secure way to collaborate remotely, allowing all team members to contribute to different projects.

It’s also one of the most secure ways for businesses to share and store information about their company, products, and customers. The pandemic saw a sharp rise in the adoption of cloud computing, which seems to have benefitted Microsoft more than anyone. While Amazon remains the leading provider of cloud computing services for businesses, there’s no doubt that Microsoft is well on its way to catching up.

Microsoft Catching Up

Amazon has long been the leader when it comes to the cloud market. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has over a million users, made up of big businesses and governments. However, since launching Azure in 2008, Microsoft has slowly been catching up. It’s now the first option for many companies, with 234,731 brands working on Microsoft’s cloud systems.

This explosion happened during the pandemic when businesses needed to find more efficient ways to be productive with a remote workforce. The cloud is perfect for this level of collaboration and many entrepreneurs prefer the user interface offered by Microsoft. This has undoubtedly caused worry among Amazon and its fans.

The EU Gets Involved

However, all is not well in the Microsoft camp. Its rapid growth in the last couple of years has raised suspicion. EU regulators have now got involved to check that the growth is sustainable and that all regulations have been followed. They’ve started questioning Microsoft’s rivals to investigate potentially anti-competitive practices.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Microsoft is guilty. The EU is just doing its job in ensuring that this rapid growth has been achieved legitimately. At the moment, they’re just collecting information. Both Amazon and Google have questioned whether Microsoft cloud technology is compatible with their own services.

Cloud Computing for Your Business

While the tech giants fight to have the best cloud computing service, entrepreneurs are looking for the best solutions. Whether you go with AWS or Azure is your decision and it’s worth doing some research into which one is best. Cloud computing is the most efficient and secure way to achieve growth, especially when collaborating with a remote workforce.

Make sure you work with a company that provides cloud managed services. They’ll help you find the best solution and get you securely hooked up to the cloud in no time. This is essential for any business in the modern world. You’ll be able to cut your overhead costs while increasing the profitability of your company.

The cloud computing industry has been around for many years now. However, it’s only in recent years that businesses have understood its true potential. This has led the tech giants of Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft to build their own cloud computing systems. While Amazon remains in the lead, Microsoft is swiftly catching up, with Google not far behind. All companies, though, have to ensure that they’re competing within an atmosphere of fair play.

Read more:
The Cloud Wars: Amazon vs Microsoft