October 18, 2024

My student Bryce Touhey is closing in on a million dollars in trading profits. And his journey towards becoming a millionaire trader is pretty incredible.

Watch the video below to learn how he got where he is today, plus…

Discover what kept Bryce going when faced with losses and challenges.
Find out why taking profits when you have them is SO important.
Why it’s better to trade under the PDT right now.
Learn how having a trader to look up to helped push Bryce to be the best he could be.

Don’t miss the video below. And hang with Bryce every trading day in Small-Cap Rockets.

Bryce is one of my top Trading Challenge students. He learned the patterns, process, and discipline it takes to make it in the market with all my trading educational resources. If you want access to the same content…

Apply to join my Trading Challenge today!

Congratulate Bryce on his success and leave me a comment below saying “College is a scam!” 

The post How To Grow Your Trading Account To Nearly $1 Million Before Age 25 {VIDEO} appeared first on Timothy Sykes.