Tim Davie, the Director General at the BBC, and his team found themselves under the intense scrutiny...
The Body Shop has announced plans to close nearly half of its 198 stores in the UK,...
As Chancellor Jeremy Hunt prepares to unveil the government’s latest tax and spending measures in the upcoming...
Vertical Aerospace, a pioneer in electric flying taxi technology in Britain, has received an additional £8 million...
Greggs, Harrods, and Staffline are among more than 500 businesses named by the Department for Business and...
HSBC, Europe’s largest bank, has announced a substantial 80% surge in pre-tax profits, reaching $30.3 billion (£24...
Multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos, the founder and executive chair of Amazon, has recently concluded an ambitious share sale...
Fiat has issued a stark warning, urging the government to reinstate its axed grant for electric cars...
Reports suggest that the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund is considering an investment in London’s Heathrow Airport,...
The Holy Quran, as the central religious text of Islam, provides guidance on a wide array of...