Language is the perfect instrument of empire. —Antonio de Nebrija, Bishop of Ávila, 1492 Language is an...
World News
The yearly growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) fell to 7.7 percent in October from...
Supporters of US microchip policy against China claim the policy is “strategic,” but in reality, it is old-fashioned protectionism...
Both the US Senate and the House of Representatives are expected to pass new same-sex marriage legislation in...
Biden wants to roll out yet another “assault” weapons ban. Supporters claim it will reduce crime, but...
By now it should be perfectly clear that the most prominent Big Digital companies are not strictly...
[This article was written from London and published in Newsweek, June 2, 1947.] England’s major economic troubles...
Earlier this year, Anna Hershberger had the cops called on her because she let two of her...
The Spanish government’s announcement that it plans to introduce a new “solidarity tax” on the wealth of...
American political, educational, and economic life is increasingly dominated by “experts.” We should not be surprised that...