The original Monetarists (Milton Friedman), Scott Sumner, and problems with Market Monetarism. Download the slides from this...
Critics claim the market economy engages in “planned obsolescence” that encourages throwing good products into landfills. In...
There is an astounding number of historical phenomena with explanations lacking economic reasoning. Such is the case...
Bombing private property is bad. So, when someone bombed the pro-eugenics, antihuman Georgia “guidestones,” we naturally condemned the...
Higher education signaling, grade inflation, federal aid and student debt, free speech, and university bureaucracy. Download the...
We live in a world of constant cronyism. Nothing seems to change, no matter the party or...
Dear Friend, Summer 2022 is an uneasy time for America. But it’s a hopeful time here in...
Inequality is a good thing in the free market. Economic equality is a disastrous government policy that leads to...
Robert Kagan is one of the most vigorous supporters of an “ideological” American foreign policy. America, in...