The watchword in higher education today is decolonization, which depends upon what Ludwig von Mises called racial...
Supporters of the new California minimum wage law for fast-food restaurants claim it will bolster economic opportunity...
Contra critical theorists, who claim human reason is nothing more than a social construct, reason is both...
Minimum wage laws don’t have to be politically divisive. Can minimum wage policy achieve shared goals and...
Jeffrey Miron A recent Supreme Court ruling on civil forfeiture, while seemingly a setback for critics of the...
The endless bubble economy has a new lending craze: loans backed by AI chips. The problem is...
In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s conviction in Manhattan—a political show trial, to be sure—David Gordon reviews...
Economics researcher Joakim Book joins Bob to discuss his recent article on the dollar’s international dominance.
Neal McCluskey I worked with David Boaz for more than twenty years—indeed, for several years he was...